
Volunteer In Nepal | The Ultimate Guide


Looking for a unique experience in one of the diverse countries in Asia? Volunteer in Nepal will be the perfect choice. Stunning mountains, multicultural cuisine and a rich buddhistic culture are just a few aspects…

Volunteer in Thailand | The Ultimate Guide


Looking to volunteer in Thailand? Great choice! Thailand is a place to feel at ease. In the land of beaches and smilesΒ it is not hard to let go of everything. At the same time, its…

Volunteer in India | The Ultimate Guide


Volunteering in India is an amazing experience. There are many different reasons for it. If you decide to volunteer in India to support a social project and their cause, you will be surprised by how…

Alliance Nepal – Working Towards a Better Future


After the disastrous earthquake in Mai 2015, Krishna Timilsina from Alliance Nepal speaks about the efforts of locals and volunteers, to get Nepal back up. Though it is going to be a long way, there are many countries, NGO’s and local or foreign volunteers willing to help. An example how something terrible becomes collectively opposed by amazing people.

How Volunteer World helps to create a “World Without Obstacles”


Many organizations all over the world are looking for international volunteers. “World Without Obstacles India” believes that volunteers and projects can make a difference by respecting each others cultures, traditions and beliefs. Read how Bharat Bhushan, the founder, thinks how Volunteer World changes the way of international volunteering.

With Love and Respect – How to Stand Up for Animal Rights


Animal Rights are an important subject in the context of international volunteering. A lot of elephants get abused and used for human needs. Instead of using force and abuse the “Elephant Freedom Project” treat them with respect and love. They educate visitors (local and foreign) by showing that there is a different way in which both elephants and dependant families can live in harmony.

Sustainable Projects With the Nepal Friendship Society


We have a lot of challenges in the community and our main goal is to increase the awareness of the population about environmental conservation by stressing the importance of active participation. We believe education is a powerful tool to change the world.

The project Adam – Supporting education access and equity


Adam was a backpacker and influenced SOLS with his motivation. With enthusiastic and motivated people it’s possible the make a difference. You will never be able to have an understanding of social issues if you just read a book or search on the internet. You have to be immersed in the situation and experience it yourself.