
The project Adam – Supporting education access and equity


Adam was a backpacker and influenced SOLS with his motivation. With enthusiastic and motivated people it’s possible the make a difference. You will never be able to have an understanding of social issues if you just read a book or search on the internet. You have to be immersed in the situation and experience it yourself.

Interview about Empowering leaders around the world


Naoko, is a socially engaged young woman who had this crazy dream to improve the quality of life of others and that’s exactly what she’s been doing for the past 8 years! SOLS 24/7 supports vulnerable communities with educational tools and programs to establish rural economic systems and urban networks that will allow youth to become dynamic and self-sustaining.

A day of volunteering at Leaf Pagoda


Hanna volunteered in Vietnam with Volunteers for Peace at Leaf Pagoda. She describes a day of volunteering at Leaf Pagoda, speaks about her experiences and how the life with monks inspired her.

A Billy Bus Ride through Uganda!


Carol Michell and the Billy bus in Uganda. Carol was touched by the country and wanted to get involved. Read how she increases access to healthcare for children, pregnant women and other vulnerable people.

First impressions of Vietnam


You are thinking about volunteering abroad ? Read what Hanna learned on her trip to Saigon and what first experiences she collected in this new environment.

Heading to Vietnam- Hanna & Lukas on the move


What are your expectations, hopes and fears towards your upcoming time as a volunteer? That’s the big questions we are going to ask Hannah and Lukas today. The two siblings are going to start their big adventure in April and will henceforth send blog updates to us. Read up and find out, if you can identify with this?

10 must do’s for volunteers in Cambodia


Cambodia. What do we truly know of this mysterious country, about the people who live there, the culture and the sights to see? Luckily, our inside-expert Tammy explains the must-doe’s in Cambodia and what you should expect.

Children with Hope for Development


Some people are not content to do nothing when they see potential. Sokha Treng is one of them. The potential he sees, lies in the kids and teenagers in Cambodia and his dream is to help them achieve a better future through education and care.

Love is bigger than Money


Robyn Dahlquist shares the story how her boyfriend’s cousin could receive medical support through the solidarity of friends and family. She portraits the bleak reality of sickness and medical provision in Nicaragua but also elaborates, how love and strong ties can overcome it.

Breaking the cycle of poverty in Peru


Helping Overcome Obstacles Peru (HOOP), is a social project, dedicated to breaking the cycle of poverty so many families find themselves in. Brad Brasseur points out, how education and fostering of children gives chances especially to those who would have little chance otherwise. As a successful role model for social projects, HOOP now aims to step up its game.