
The all time best way to support local communities


Local solutions to local conservation problems! AEI want so support local communities by supporting their proven successful local strategies. AEI understands that North American solutions only work in North American contexts and that responsible travel is about understanding, openness and respect.

From Volunteering Experience to Dream Job


We had the opportunity to interview Molly O’Ray. She is a young researcher who is deeply passionate by nature and talks with us about the lessons she learned on her way to her dream job.

Why you should volunteer in Peru


Peru is a beautiful, fascinating and diverse country with great food, friendly people and lots to do, perhaps too much! Read why you should volunteer in Peru and you’ll be ready to pack your bag!

Love is bigger than Money


Robyn Dahlquist shares the story how her boyfriend’s cousin could receive medical support through the solidarity of friends and family. She portraits the bleak reality of sickness and medical provision in Nicaragua but also elaborates, how love and strong ties can overcome it.

Breaking the cycle of poverty in Peru


Helping Overcome Obstacles Peru (HOOP), is a social project, dedicated to breaking the cycle of poverty so many families find themselves in. Brad Brasseur points out, how education and fostering of children gives chances especially to those who would have little chance otherwise. As a successful role model for social projects, HOOP now aims to step up its game.

Everyday Problems of a Volunteer


As a volunteer in Leon, Nicaragua, Robyn shares the ups and downs of her daily life. Braving sickness and doubts, she paints a very clear picture of the hardships, but also the great aspects of volunteering in a foreign land.

Helping Children in Nicaragua


Mareili Amrein worked as a social worker in different fields in Switzerland. While she was taking a time-out from everyday life in Switzerland, she only wanted to make some holidays in Nicaragua (Central America) and to improve her Spanish. She was relaxing and taking some Spanish classes at the touristic spot Las PeΓ±itas on the Nicaraguan Pacific coast, when she ran into the everyday problems and hard circumstances of the kids of the surrounding villages. She began taking care about two boys by preparing lunch for them and play some games. More and more kids from the surrounding villages joined the group. The project was born.