How to Find the Right Time to Volunteer Abroad?

Does this sound like you: Job or studying, social life, commitments, hobbies and no time left in between? Living in a modern world, our schedules are filled to the brim. Despite all the good things we have, it seem impossible to actually do anything that matters to you. It's not. In a brief summary, our volunteer veteran John explains how to start by understanding your existing commitments first.

Many people all around the world are in the situation of unhappiness with their current job, and many will define their career as a flop as they haven’t fulfilled their dreams. Do you want to know something? It’s not over till the fat lady sings.

Finding your direction

Volunteering is an art form for all ages of all backgrounds and the unhappiness you’re currently dealing with provides you with a menacing fiery passion to succeed. I’ll provide you with a tip….USE THAT PASSION!

Are you working full-time and are considering whether volunteering is possible with your busy lifestyle? Volunteering can be split into three sections;

  1. Commitment
  2. Flexible
  3. One-off

To pinpoint the right section for you and become an employed volunteer, you must understand your availability first.

I have a to-do list board jotted with notes every day and from this I’ve been able to highlight the times I’m available. Doing this over a set period of time (4 – 6 weeks) allows for repetitions to be visual and once this has been noticed you’re able to find suitable roles. Now I could talk about the roles you could look at, but wait until the next post and I’ll share with you a number of ways to find that role.

After the 4 – 6 weeks, which of the three sections do you fit?

A little secret…all three sections fit into one, why? Because it’s up to you on whether you commit to a role, ask for flexibility, or volunteer on a one-off period, but the role you decide can bring benefits to your career boosting your dreams to come true.

To achieve your dreams you have to believe and whether or not you believe in reaching them right now, volunteering will boost your confidence to fulfill them.

Taking the right time

Volunteering despite your responsibilities? Life demands your attention all around the clock and sometimes it seems hard to take the time for something else. Family, job and dozens of other important things you can’t neglect are the stuff that make life great but they might also become a routine. However, if you are unhappy with the current situation, maybe it’s time for a change or at least a new chapter. Keeping your job and volunteering is very much possible.

Volunteering for something you love or really want to try is not only satisfying. In fact, you may find a sense of fulfillment that might make you reconsider your life, break the monotony and help you appreciate a lot of things. “Experteering”, volunteering as a professional, is a great way to make a huge impact in a short time, by providing your skills and experience. It might also help you find new meaning in your profession and get to know a new perspective of it. If you want to learn more, click here for some veteran experteering info.

Or would you like to try something completely different? Volunteering for a cause you want to stand up for, or something that interests you, may well be the first step of finding a new passion while already gaining a foothold. Whatever you decide to do, you will make a change. For others, but also for yourself.


John hails from GB and has volunteered over 1500 hours on various successful approaches. The second step of his “Guide towards Volunteering”, is going to follow in a few days. You can find out more about his story here.

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