This week: The Pack-It Cubes
This week, we want to introduce you to the Pack-It Cubes! Imagine you are packed and ready to go in an adventure! Volunteering abroad is a great opportunity to give to others, to the environment and to communities in need all around the world. So, we want you to give your very best! That’s why we have managed to discover some of the world’s greatest Travel Gadgets, and we want to recommend those we think you could really use.
If you are thinking to do tourism in any country –apart from your volunteer work-, you might be a little more at ease, if you have tools that will enhance your trip. We think that these products can aid you during your travels, and will help you give your best, wherever you are.
What are the Pack-It Cubes?
The Pack-It Cubes are basically ultra-lightweight packing bags, made out of a water-resistant, durable material which come in all sizes, and a variety of colours. They are meant to be an aid during your trip. Their objective is to help you stay organized and create more space in your bag!
Why do we think the Pack-It Cubes are great for your volunteer trip?

If you’ve ever carried a large backpack full of stuff, you’ll notice that, as your trip progresses, you will probably struggle to quickly find your most needed items.
We might have a happy, organized start; but it’ll probably go downhill for most of us, the minute we decided it was ok to just cram all our stuff inside the bag. This “one time” was a poor decision that marked the beginning of chaos.
I don’t know about you, but the minute I decided to ignore the mess in my bag, was the minute I never found my favourite pair of socks again -Gone! Lost forever in the bag!- The Pack-It Cubes were created to avoid terrible scenarios like the one described above.
We think the Pack-It Cubes are great, because:
- If you struggle to pack/unpack, these will help you to stay organized.
- They are really easy to store and you have the option to buy the lightweight version, for extra lightness in your bag.
- Using these will make space for more clothes or other items you want to bring with you.
- They make packing effective and they create more space in your bag.
- And they come in different sizes, to adjust to the things you need to storage.
- These Pack-It Cubes are made of materials that are highly durable!
Why wouldn’t the Pack-It Cubes work for you?
- You may don’t have too much space in your bag for extras.
- Using the Pack-It Cubes won’t prevent shampoos, body lotions, etc. from spilling all over your clothes.
- If you don’t have an Eagle Creek dealer near you, or can’t buy the item online.
- You may find the Pack-It Cubes too expensive, depending on your budget.
- If you have really fancy clothes, you don’t want to squeeze into little bags.
- The Pack-It Cubes are of a rounded rectangular shape. This means that, depending on the luggage; it could create cracks and spaces. The space-saving benefits wouldn’t be as great, in this case.

My personal opinion
I thought the Pack-It Cubes were great! I tried out the Pack-It Specter Quarter Cube, Half Cube and Cube. And, I noticed that it provides a safe and practical alternative to arranging your clothes during a trip. Some might argue if this is really a necessity. In my opinion, it can give you more flexibility during your travel, and it fills a necessity-gap that is highly underrated.
To unpack my clothes, I just emptied the already rolled-up contents into my hotel drawer, during my trip to Mallorca and that was it. No mess. Not having to refold my clothes. I hate doing anything with my clothes, besides wearing them, so I loved this! They saved me a lot of time!
This is how you use the Pack-It Cubes:

Probably the simplest gadget to use of all those we’ve recommended so far!
- Roll your clothes and put them in the bag. Or arrange your toiletries inside the bag.
- Close the bag!
That’s it! It is easy and simple!
So, there you go! We hope this little introduction to this awesome product can be helpful to you! We know volunteering is a great thing to do, but going away from home is always a scary thing. But, you are already making the world a better place, just by signing up and trying to help your community and/or environment.
If you want to learn more about the products we recommended you today, you can always visit Eagle Creek’s website and check it out for yourself!