The DoorJammer | Travel Gadget Review | Volunteer World

Have you ever felt unsafe in your room while travelling? Or did you just need some privacy but couldn’t lock your door? This week, I tested a safety travel gadget that promises to solve these problems – the DoorJammer.

If you’re thinking about volunteering abroad, there are many things to cross off your list and even more questions to wonder about. I’m sure you’re excited to live in a new place, go explore and work with the locals. You can’t wait to start with your hands-on tasks, help, learn and experience things you haven’t even thought about yet.

But, before you start, you need to think about what to bring. So let’s have a closer look at this safety travel gadget and see if it should make it on your list.

What is the DoorJammer?

The DoorJammer is a safety travel gadget – it’s meant to make your trip safer or to just give you some privacy. The portable door security device promises easy use and a quick set up. It also fits into your bag easily, making it perfect for travelling.

Why is the DoorJammer great for your volunteer trip?

The DoorJammer is really useful for everyone who feels insecure while visiting a new place, or sleeping in new environments. The DoorJammer is perfect for people that have trouble sleeping in hotels and hostels, or are just a little anxious by nature. And, of course, the same applies if you just need to lock your door for a moment – to do whatever… 😉

The device is great for your volunteer trip if you know that you will be travelling the country before or after working with the social project. The increase in privacy and safety comes in a very small size – which is great news for your probably fully stuffed bag.

So long story short, here are the Pro’s of using the DoorJammer:

  • It can fit almost every door!
  • It is very easy to use (Seriously, I am not a gadget expert, so this kind of product is perfect for people who won’t bother to read an instructions manual).
  • It comes with a base extension, which will help to fit doors that are a couple of inches above the floor.
  • It is not too heavy!
  • It easily fits in carry-on and luggage.
  • It is easy to transport.
  • It comes with a nice little bag. So you can store it, when you aren’t using it.
  • It will give you peace of mind.


Why could the DoorJammer not work for you?

The DoorJammer might not work for you if you won’t be travelling around before or after volunteering and if you won’t be staying in a hotel, dorm room or hostel during this time. This is because you wouldn’t want to – accidentally – offend your host family by using this safety travel gadget on your door, indicating that you don’t trust them.

Another scenario would be that you’re staying in a shared room with other volunteers for the duration of your program. In that case, unless of course you’re all friends, the device might be a little annoying for the others. They might not come home at the same time at night and you have to get up to let them in, or they might simply not like to be locked in.

Con’s of using the DoorJammer when volunteering:

  • It’s not great for staying in shared rooms or with a host family.
  • It comes in a small size, but it’s quite heavy (locking heavy doors, right?) – might therefore not be the best for backpackers.
  • If you are going to sleep outdoors, or at a camping site.

How to use the DoorJammer

Big plus for the instruction manual the DoorJammer comes with – it has step-by-step pictures and texts in different languages. But to be honest, you really don’t need it. The DoorJammer is super easy and quick to set up. This is how you do it:

  1. Unpack! You then want to place the DoorJammer beneath the handle of the door, not on the side of the hinges.DoorJammer
  2. Place the DoorJammer into the space under your door. If your door has a high threshold, there’s an extension you can use.DoorJammer
  3. Twist the bolt to the left.
  4. Done! You can now check if the door is secured. To remove the DoorJammer, simply pull it upward.DoorJammer

My personal opinion

I have experienced someone breaking into my hotel room at night myself. Luckily, nothing really bad happened – we only lost some cash and were a little shocked when we woke up to an open door in the morning. But I can definitely say that having and using a safety travel gadget like the DoorJammer to lock our door would have been really great.

In my opinion, the DoorJammer is great for everyone travelling the country before or after volunteering and who doesn’t have to be too worried about the weight of his bag, or staying at sketchy places. For a stay in a hotel or hostel the DoorJammer is a really useful device.

If you want to learn more about the DoorJammer, visit their website and tell us all about it!

Price (Value) 8
Fun Factor 5
Quality 10
Usability 10
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